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Where are Archies Jandals and Slides made?Updated a year ago

We are an Australian company and Archies Jandals and Slides are 100% designed in Australia. Due to the specialized nature of our footwear and the lack of suitable manufacturers in Australia, we manufacture our footwear at our partner factory in China.

Our factory is one of the best in the world at making this type of footwear and also manufactures for the big brands. As such, they have extremely strict HR and Environmental policies in place. The conditions at the factory are excellent. Their workers work normal hours and are paid well. They have a separate HR department and workers receive all the benefits such as annual leave, sick pay, etc.

We have an excellent relationship with our factory. We communicate on a daily basis and frequently visit them when possible. 

We are looking to establish factories in other countries. However, it takes time to find manufacturers that can manufacture our specialized footwear.

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