My Jandals are squeaking, is there anything I can do to fix this?Updated 2 years ago
Occasionally when the jandals are brand new, they can squeak if some sweat develops underneath the foot. The squeaking will typically go away once the jandals are worn in, and some of the initial sheens wear off.
In the instance, the jandals are squeaking with normal walking (they are not wet), there are two most common causes:
1. Sweat may be developing between the jandal and the foot, causing the squeaking noise.
2. The jandals have come into contact with something that is causing them to squeak (normally dirt, microscopic dust, or a chemical agent such as shampoo or conditioner).
If your jandals are squeaking and it's not because they are wet, then we suggest:
Wash them in warm water and give them a vigorous scrub with a scrubbing brush or green scourer then thoroughly dry them with a towel.
We often find that when this happens, the jandals have somehow come in contact with something (we don't know exactly what) and washing and drying them often fixes this!
If the jandals continue to squeak during normal walking, after they have been well worn in and after you have vigorously washed them, normally 'roughing up' the surface of the jandal with some coarse sandpaper fixes this.
The jandals will usually squeak when wet such as after swimming regardless of whether they are brand new or well and truly worn in.
However, once the jandals are worn in, under normal circumstances, they should not squeak during normal walking (unless they get wet).
If this continues to occur please contact us and we will do our best to solve this issue for you.