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I don't have any injuries or problems with my feet, would these still be good for me?Updated a year ago

Yes! Archies Jandals and Slides can be worn by people who do not have any issues with their feet or lower limbs. In fact, while Archies Jandals and Slides are the perfect complementary device for people who wear orthotics or for those who have foot issues, many of the people who wear our footwear do not have any foot issues nor do they wear orthotics.

It is also important to remember, that the problems relating to the design of typical flat footwear are not just limited to having no support. Other issues of typical footwear such as them having loose straps and having no heel elevation are also fundamental design flaws. Archies Jandals and Slides are perfect for people who like having the feeling of increased support or for those who just want super comfortable footwear!

If you need any assistance, feel free to contact customer support. 

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