Are Archies Jandals and Slides ecofriendly?Updated a year ago
Archies Jandals and Slides are made from a thermoplastic foam that is 100% non-toxic. They are not yet biodegradable, however, we are working really hard to make this happen in the future. We do have a recycling and upcycling program in place.
About our quest to make biodegradable jandals and slides - We aim to produce the highest quality product that we can and we are currently researching and testing biodegradable materials that will meet our high standards of quality and durability. Our factory is one of the world leaders in this field and we're hoping there'll be a breakthrough in this area soon as currently, the materials will wear out far too quickly.
About our new recycling initiative - Tread Lightly is an Australian recycling initiative that takes unwanted sport and active lifestyle footwear and recycles them. They are also one of the few companies in the world that can recycle EVA, the predominant material that our jandals and slides are made from. We're encouraging all our customers in Australia to recycle their previously-loved pairs of Archies Jandals and/or Slides by dropping them off at a local collection point. All unwearable returns that we receive at our warehouse will also be donated to this worthy cause!
About our upcycling initiatives - All lightly used returns that can be worn again are cleaned and donated to worthy causes in each of the countries that we sell in. That way we make sure that no wearable jandals and slides land up in landfills. So far we have donated over 35,000 pairs to these non-profits!